Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010


By Tuesday I will have my poster done, asking people to visit my blog.
On Tuesday I will put the poster somewhere everyone will see inside my school.

By Friday I will have my new poster done, having some info on poaching, a recommended book about poaching, and a bunch of strips you can tear off with my blog URL on it.
Also by Friday, I will probably put it up in the library (asking Ms.Svenson first) with my book as the main idea of the poster.
I will take a picture as evidence it exists as soon as I have it up. :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Project - What Will I Do?

1. I will raise awareness of poaching by posting posters and leaflets in my school.
2. I won't buy things that contain poached items (if there are any).
3. I will donate to any cause that helps prevent endangered animals from being hunted to extinction.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Ends Statement

Character: Each student will possess the character to do what is right, act morally with wisdom, and balance individual concerns with the rights and needs of others.

Evidence of what I already do:
I am kind: I help people with their homework when they ask for help.
I am caring: I donated money to Stephanie's school in Africa.
I am trustworthy: I don't spread rumours, and I return whatever I borrow.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Q: Important Issue

Issue: Poaching

1. Why is this important?
It makes me sad when I know that lots of animals around the world are being hunted to extinction because of just one valuable body part they have.

2. Why do I care?
I care because I believe that animals have rights to how they are treated. We don't even care about them when we are done hunting. Removing a horn, teeth, or fur can cause great pain to them. It's like cutting our noses off and leaving us to make do with our loss.

3. Why should others care?
Like I said, these animals are being left to make do without a body part even if it's essential to their survival. How would we feel if, one day, they evolved to be as intelligent as humans, and cut off our body parts to sell to others?

4. What am I going to do about it?
I am going to make some posters to raise awareness of poaching and post them on this blog.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Q: Computers/Internet

1. Do computers give us more human connections or less human connections?
I think that there is less human connections because the people you are meeting online are in the digital world. You can't see how they actually look like, and you can't touch or interact with them except for whatever the digital world limits you to. Even though you may talk to them, it isn't as if they are inside the room with you.

2. 5 rules for manner/ethics on the internet:
- Don't swear
- Don't tell others your password no matter how much of a friend they seem like
- Don't use caps when speaking
- Don't tell anyone your personal info
- Try to be at least a bit literate

3. Should teachers encourage or discourage multitasking?
I think teachers should discourage multitasking because it divides our attention, making us more vulnerable to mistakes.

4. Compose a 6 word poem summarizing an experience you've had online:
Online Games Are Fun To Play